2. Do not leave your dog in a parked car.

It is never a good idea to leave your dog in a parked car. The temperature inside a car can rise quickly, even on a cool day, and dogs can suffer from heat stroke and even die when left in a hot car.
On a hot day, the temperature inside a car can rise to over 100 degrees within minutes, even with the windows open. Dogs can only pant to cool themselves down and are not able to sweat through their skin like humans. This can lead to heat stroke, which can be fatal.
In addition to the risk of heat stroke, leaving your dog in a parked car can also be dangerous for other reasons. Your dog could be stolen, or could jump out of an open window and be injured or killed. If you must leave your dog in the car, make sure the windows are rolled up and the car is in a well-ventilated area.
If you see a dog in a hot car, do not hesitate to call the police or animal control. The owner may not be aware of the dangers of leaving their dog in the car and may need help getting their pet to safety.