
Top 9 Weird Dog Behaviors Explained

number 2: why dogs run away

This one is related to the above. If your dog is used to having a lot of freedom to run around and do what she wants, and suddenly that freedom is taken away, there’s a good chance that she’s going to try to roam just because it’s what she’s always done. This can be quite common if there’s a sudden change of environment, like a move from a rural area to a busy metropolis, or if there’s a change in household dynamic, such as marriage, divorce, or a new baby.

Tip: It’s going to take training to curb this behavior. You need to teach your dog not to take off just because she can. It will likely take some time and effort, along with some kind of positive reinforcement to get her to change. If you continue to have trouble, it may be necessary to work with a trainer.

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