
Gentle Golden Retriever Tucks Mom In After She Falls Asleep Phone In Hand

According to Tianlang’s mom, his affectionate behavior is not unexpected since he has always been a kind and nurturing dog with a human-like demeanor ever since he became a part of their family in 2014. This was stated by her in an interview with the Daily Mail.

“Tianlang is very obedient. He is quiet at home, but active when he goes out.”

Tianlang, whose name translates to “sky wolf” in Chinese, has acquired numerous abilities since his family began training him when he was only two months old. He is capable of performing amusing twirls and even has the skill of counting.

Photo: Daily Mail

His mom shared, “He also carries my shopping and practices kung fu with me.”

Photo: Daily Mail

“He learns things really quickly and likes helping me out. I treat him as a five-year-old child.”

Photo: Daily Mail

“I love him. He loves me. We have a strong bond. He knows what to do as soon as I give him a look.”

Watch sweet Tianlang tuck his mom in for the night in the video below:

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