
13 Harmful Things You Do to Your Dog Without Realizing It

3. Punishing For Misbehavior

Yelling at your dog when he has done something wrong or punishing him in some other way is the worst way of training him. Dogs aren’t intentionally bad and often, they don’t understand what is required of them. Sometimes, the punishment is dealt out sometime after the incident which caused it. Typically, a dog owner will arrive home and find that the dog has done something wrong. Their immediate reaction is to punish their dog. Dogs live in the moment and will not realise exactly what they are being punished for. The yelling and punishment are serving as an outlet for the owners anger rather than as a method of improving the dogs behavior.

A much better approach is to teach your dog what is expected of him. The best method of doing this is to use positive reinforcement.

Positive reinforcement requires patience and persistence but it gets results. It also helps to build a strong bond between the owner and the dog.

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