
12 Things Humans Do That Dogs Hate

All dogs are individuals with their own likes and dislikes. But there are a few common habits we owners have that irritates our furry friends.

While we may get ticked off when fido rummages through the bins, or chews on our new slippers, there’s usually a very good reason for that. And the key is finding out why they’re exhibiting that behaviour in the first place.

Could pup be bored, need more exercise or stressed from being alone too long?

The behaviour we dislike is more often than not a direct result of our own actions.

So for us to live harmoniously with our dogs, we first need to take a long hard look at what we’re doing as owners.

Only then can we find the root of the problem and take steps to fix it.

If only our dogs could speak, I’m sure we’d be getting plenty of back-chat. Especially when we do these 10 things dogs hate.

Number 12: Hugging your dog

Hugging is the best way for us humans to express love and gratitude in-between each other, but it is not the case with our fellow dogs! For them, hugging is a sign of dominance! Although you are the dominant force in your house and in the relationship between you and your dog, still it is not something you want to keep flaunting in your dog’s face all the time! Hugging brings feelings of confusion and irritation for your dog – clearly, they will not understand nor enjoy it!

By understanding this, try to avoid hugging your dog whenever possible, if not always! Your dog does tolerate you because you are his owner and you are dominant, but it will never be a pleasant experience! Strangers should stay further away from this practice as the dog can show signs of unsettlement, and even aggression!

Number 11 : using words more than body language

Dogs are the experts at reading our thoughts and feelings before we even organize and express them! Therefore, the best method of communicating with your dog is by adjusting your body language and posture before pronouncing a single word! Coordinate your words with your posture, otherwise, you may be sending mixed signals to your dog! Instead of understanding your command, you rather confuse the dog and make them act even worse than in the beginning!

Try practicing body language for a full day, by not speaking a word when communicating with your dog! See if they understand you better!

Number 10 : patting their heads

Reaching out and petting a dog is normal for us, While many of them will put up with their heads being tapped, most of them don’t really enjoy it Like the rest of us. many dogs don’t like it when their personal space is invaded, Your pet realizes that it’s an act of love and approval, therefore, He or she would probably be happier if you would pet the back or rear instead of the head.

Number 9 : keeping eye contact

Staring at your dog for too long is a no, no – especially, with strange dogs! Eye contact between dogs is the way by which they set their roles and dominance within the pack. At often times, eye contact turns fatal – be it a dogfight for position or simply connoting aggression! Therefore, eye contact may confuse your dog! Although, they will tolerate you as an owner, do not practice it often! When it comes to strange dogs, remind yourself to avoid it altogether as you never know what kind of reaction you might trigger!

Number 8 : lacking rules and structure

Dogs insist on an organized routine And they need to know where their limits are Sticking with structure and enforcing rules will comfort them and help build their trust in you Plus dogs Don’t understand the concept of an exception It’s better for them when the rules are strict and simple that way there will be no room for confusion.

Number 7 : Bathing them

When walking your dog, the leash is a means of communication between you! It is a means of transmitting energy, and your dog will react accordingly, depending on whether you are keeping them at a tight or a loose leash! It may seem unimportant how you put and maintain the leash on your dog, but it does make all the difference! The mood that will surround us during the walks depends on it! A tight leash means tension, stress, frustration, alertness! And, a dog that walks on a tight leash is more prone to barking and making extreme reactions!

It is hard sometimes as you may get aggravated by your dog pulling you! But, it is important to teach your dog to walk calmly from an early age so that keeping a tight leash is not a necessity!

When you walk your dog on a loose leash, you will be sending your dog messages of calmness, no tension! Your dog will feel you have everything under control! Therefore, their walking will be easier for you to handle and no need to tighten things up!


It may be a nerve-wracking experience for you to stop and allow your dog to carefully smell the bushes or the sidewalk grass when you have already planned the location you want to take the dog as well as the time you are going to spend outside! Although your dog really needs a walk and a play around at the park, it is also very important for them to stop and smell whatever they choose to stop and smell while on the way to the destination! For your dog, this is quality time, where they check out who has been around! Also, it gives them a better understanding of their surroundings! They gather information, knowledge and they explore the world through their noses! Rephrase: through smelling!

Number 5 : forcing them to interact with dogs and people they don’t like

Pushing a dog to face the fears and make contact with other dogs or strangers that they are afraid of or simply don’t want to Interact with is often very counterproductive and can even be retaliated with a bite Do you like when others force you to talk to the people? You can’t stand Probably not the same thing applies to your dog your pet has a unique personality of his or her own And if they are not up to interacting at the moment you should respect that.

Number 4 : being tense

Being experts at reading our body language dogs easily mimic exactly how we feel Every pet gets very attached to his or her owner and even starts acting the same way sometimes It’s no wonder that dogs and their owners sometimes have the same character so most of the time more anxious You are the more worried your dog becomes if you want your pet to calm down you need to calm down first.

Number 3 : being boring

An owner who is busy doing dull chores around the house and showing little interest in playing is every pets nightmare Dogs start to feel alone after a whole day by themselves and when you finally come home They need at least a little bit of your attention So make sure you spend some joyful time with your loyal friend who has been waiting all day to see you.

Number 2 : exposing them to strong smells

Even though dogs love to explore the world by smelling everything around they are about 10,000 to 100,000 times more sensitive to smells than we are Because of this they don’t like to be exposed to strong sense just imagine the discomfort of a strong smell and multiply it by 10,000 that’s how your dog feels so when you are planning to use anything that may disturb their smell. Do them a favor and remember to do it while they are a good distance away.

Number 1 : bathing them

The strange sound of water running through the pipes and the unusual feeling of it being poured on the Ferreria are the main reasons why dogs hate taking baths Sometimes the bathtub floor can also be quite uncomfortable for your dog Try placing a slip resistant mat in the bottom of the tub to solve this problem use a shampoo that is formulated solely for caiman And be sure the water is warm, but not hot Try to make a necessary bath time fun for your dog believe us. He or she will thank you for it.

Which one of these points did you find the most surprising do you do any of these things on a daily basis. Let us know in the comments below.

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