
Top 9 Weird Dog Behaviors Explained

number 3: why dogs eat poop

Poop eating is a behavior that alerts us pet parents that something is wrong with our dog. Except in rare cases, adult dogs do not generally eat poop for behavioral reasons. That said, new mothers will eat the poop of her pups to encourage them to defecate, to keep the den clean, and to prevent potential predators from smelling her pups.

For the vast majority of dogs, however, feces consumption will cease to occur once the dietary cause for eating poop is determined and corrected.

Being able to identify why your dog is eating poop is extremely important to solving this puzzle. It will help you:

  1. ensure that the food you’re feeding your dog has the nutritional substance they need, and
  2. ensure that the next time your dog gives you a kiss, there’s no added—shall we say—aftertaste.

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