
12 Warning Signs Your Dog Needs to Go to the Veterinarian

Number 7 : Changes In Drinking Habits.

Don’t worry if your cat doesn’t drink much, if It eats wet cat food. It’s okay for them not to drink any water at all, because they get enough of it from food. If your cat eats dry food and drinks very little or no water at all, check your house or apartment for water leakage. Your cat may be a better plumber than you. It’s possible that your cat.. ..found a source of water you didn’t know about. For example, they can lick drops of water from the floor or your kitchen sink. If your search gives you nothing, don’t hesitate to see the vet. Dogs aren’t as inventive. So, if you notice that your dog doesn’t drink enough, go straight.. ..to the vet, too. Normally, dogs drink a lot no matter if they eat wet or dry kind of food. Excessive drinking can be a sign of health problems, too. Diabetes and kidney disease are often the cause. How to understand that your pet drinks more than usual? Note how often you refill the bowl or how much the pet urinates.

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