Number 8 : Loss Of Appetite.
Your cat’s normal behavior, not that we think it’s good manners, is to jump on the table when you are cooking and try to steal a piece of cheese.. ..or something else. Dogs usually make sorrowful eyes when you are having dinner so it’s hard to resist giving them a chunk of meat. So, if you notice yourself eating your bacon with no one on your shoulder sniffing it or begging from under the table, take a closer look at your pet. Lack of appetite for more than 24 hours in both cats and dogs Is a VERY serious concern. It may indicate different conditions, infection, tumor, gastric diseases or parasites. Even if your cat is fat, let’s call a spade a spade, don’t hope that lack of food is good for it. A dog, or even a human body, stores fat.. convert it into energy in case of starvation. A cat’s body can’t do that. Instead, it sends fats Into the liver that can cause liver failure.
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