When your furry friend shows their puppy dog eyes as you sit down to the dinner table, it can be hard to resist. However, if your dog regularly begs for food, beware. While it’s very common for humans to give dogs their dinner scraps, it’s important to be mindful about the foods you share, as certain human foods can actually be toxic for your dog. Be sure to avoid feeding your pup these dangerous foods.
If your dog has ingested something they shouldn’t and you’re unsure if it’s dangerous, you should speak with a vet or poison control hotline immediately.
#Number 12 : Onion And Garlic
“The food that is most toxic to dogs is onions,” says [Cullen M. Dauchy][2], DVM, veterinarian and former owner of the Katy Veterinary in Katy, Texas. “Most dogs would not eat raw onions, but when cooked with meat (in fajitas, hamburgers, steak, or liver), they’ll eat it like candy!”
According to research published back in August 2001 in [Veterinary Technician][3], onion toxicity occurs in dogs when they eat more than .5% of their own body weight. This means that it can take a fairly large amount of onions to be truly dangerous to dogs. However, it’s better to be safe than sorry, and avoid feeding your dog onions altogether.
A scallion is essentially a young onion, so be sure to avoid them, as well. Both the green part of a scallion and the small white bulb are dangerous for your dog.
#Number 11 : Lilies
According to dr. Justin Lee a board-certified emergency critical care veterinary specialist and toxicologist lilies are extremely toxic to animals and can destroy their kidneys if consumed there are actually two types of lilies out there benign and dangerous ones but nine lilies include the piece Peruvian and calla varieties they pose.
The less of a threat to your pet since they don’t come from the lilium or her marrow callous families but that doesn’t mean they’re totally harmless they can still irritate the mouth tongue throat and esophagus if your pet suffers from benign Lily poisoning give them something tasty like canned chicken broth to help flush the crystals out of their mouth and clear up these unpleasant symptoms and then there’s the other type of lilies like tiger lilies day lilies Easter lilies red lilies and many more they’re highly toxic and potentially fatal for your pet especially cats dangerous lilies can cause a loss of appetite vomiting excessive urinating and increased salivation as with any case of poisoning the sooner you get your pet to the vet the better Lily poisoning is especially serious though treatment usually requires three whole days of hospitalization.
#Number 10 : Rhubarb
Rhubarb is a plant that people grow in their vegetable or herb gardens that can be used as a pie ingredient. It contains oxalic acid, which becomes lethal to dogs when consumed in high quantities.
Keep the leaves of a rhubarb plant away from dogs, which have a high concentration of oxalic acid in them, making them the most dangerous part of the plant. However, the roots of a rhubarb plant are also dangerous, so make sure your dog doesn’t dig up a rhubarb plant to chow down on the roots.
#Number 9 : Macadamia Nuts
Macadamia nuts are a delicious, rich, and savory delicacy from Hawaii. While these nuts are not often lethal for dogs, if your dog eats them, they may experience weakness in their back legs, vomiting, and diarrhea. However, more serious cases of macadamia nut exposure can result in high fever, inability to walk, vomiting, a prolonged decreased appetite, and stomach pain or a sustained decrease in activity level.
If your dog has ingested macadamia nuts, you should start to see signs of poisoning within 12 hours to 48 hours. If symptoms haven’t appeared by then, they most likely won’t appear at all.
#Number 8 : Avocados
Avocados have a ton of health benefits so you should definitely try to include them in your diet the same can’t be said about your pets avocados contain a fungicidal toxin called person according to the pet poison help line it has a mild level of toxicity only targeting certain species basic signs of person poisoning include gastrointestinal problems troubles breathing and heart issues in both dogs and cats foreign body obstruction is another risk when it comes to avocados if your pet swallows the pit-hole it can get stuck in their esophagus stomach or intestinal tract so make sure that your pets have no access not only to avocados but also to pits you might have tossed in the trash.
#Number 7 : Coffee And Chocolate
Everybody seems to know about the no chocolate rule for pets so this one probably comes as no surprise as for coffee well I don’t know anybody that sits down to have their morning Joe alongside their cat or dog but still let’s talk about why your pets shouldn’t have either one according to the pet poison help line caffeine can be anywhere for moderately to severely toxic to an animal it can cause elevated heart rate and body temperature excessive urination dehydration tremors seizures and possibly death chocolate has its fair share of awful consequences too especially dark chocolate since it contains more theobromine this is the substance that makes chocolate toxic to animals so when people say their dog got chocolate poisoning it’s actually theobromine poisoning it’s early symptoms include digestive issues dehydration and a slow heart rate later stages of theobromine poisoning include seizures and even death always keep chocolate out of your pet’s reach so that they won’t be tempted to try it.
#Number 6 : Bones
Dogs and bones are like macaroni and cheese they just go hand in hand we’re not saying you can’t give spot a big juicy bone that you are in fact you absolutely should bones are a great source of minerals and nutrients for your canine companion plus the act of chewing stimulates saliva enzymes which helps prevent gum disease and plaque buildup on the teeth you just have to be careful which types of bones you’re going to give your dog according to the American Kennel Club poultry bones like chicken or turkey as well as pork bones and any cooked bones are strictly forbidden these types splinter into shards that can not only choke a dog but also do serious damage to its mouth throat or intestines most vets agree that raw meat bones are okay but you should still supervise your dog while it chews on one don’t let your dog chew on a bone for more than 15 minutes after that put it in the fridge until the next time you give it to your pooch throw any raw bones away after three or four days size is also important the bones should be larger than the length of your dog’s muzzle otherwise it presents a choking hazard if swallowed whole since any bone can break into dangerous shards when shoot on enough a lot of dog owners feel it’s not worth the risk you can always give your pup high quality nutrient-rich dog food good dental shoes and regular teeth brushing to replace what bone chewing provides but still bones are not you should be doing all these things anyway.
#Number 5 : Apples
It might come as a surprise that’s something we humans should be eating once a day to keep the doctor away can be bad for our pets but alas here it is on the blacklist it’s red apples in particular that are a no-no for your cat or dog because they can cause an allergic reaction and it’s not really the Apple itself that’s dangerous it’s the seeds they contain cyanide which is perfectly safe for people in small doses but extremely harmful for animalsvomiting diarrhea and dehydration are the first signs of poisoning and it’s not just apples though you can find such seeds and cherries and apricots too if your pet ingest these cyanide filled seeds take it to the vet immediately.
#Number 4 : Tomatoes
Tomatoes along with potatoes and eggplant contain a chemical compound called Sala 9 it’s concentrated mostly in the green parts of these plants like the leaves and stem as well as in unripe vegetables while we humans are pretty much unscathed by it our pets aren’t so much if your dog has gotten into your tomato garden and eaten what he shouldn’t as they love to do be on the lookout for signs of tomato poisoning they include digestive problems loss of coordination muscle weakness tremors and seizures one totally ripe tomato a week shouldn’t cause any harm to your pet but it’s always best to ask your vet first just in case.
#Number 3 : Raw Eggs
Fully cooked eggs are a great food to share with your pup. Raw eggs, however, contain a substance called avidin that is dangerous to dogs. Avidin is an enzyme that stops dogs from being able to properly absorb biotin, a type of B vitamin. When dogs don’t get enough biotin, it can affect the health of their skin and coat.
#Number 2 : grapes and raisins
While they’re healthy for humans, grapes and raisins (remember, raisins are dried grapes) can be very dangerous to your pet if consumed in large quantities. No one really knows the specific ingredient or compound in grapes or raisins that’s dangerous to dogs. However, time and time again, vets have seen dogs become sick after eating these fruits.
#Number 1: Ice Cream
That’s right know sweet delicious mouth-watering ice cream for your feline or canine companion tough luck Fido the main issue here is all that milk and sugar since most adult animals are lactose intolerant ice cream doesn’t really agree with our system so instead of feeling the pure joy you or I get from gulping down a bowl of ice cream your pet gets diarrhea vomiting and gastrointestinal issues plus all that sugar means unpleasant dental problems no matter how much your dog or cat is trying to get some of your ice cream don’t give in after all their health and well-being it’s what’s most important here right do you know any other foods that are harmful for dogs or cats.
Talk To A Vet If Your Dog Eats These Foods
You can keep your dog happy and safe by being careful about what human foods you feed your dog and keeping toxic foods out of reach. However, if you’re concerned that your dog may have consumed something toxic or poisonous.
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