7. Rottweiler

The Rottweiler is a stout breed with strong jaws considered an ideal Guardian and police dogs by their rough appearance many fear them but in spite of that they can be docile and obedient however if you educate him in an aggressive environment he will be a dominant dog always defensive and will not tolerate any other dog in particular this breed is more prone to suffer parvo virus so it should be vaccinated annually it reaches up to 2.2 feet in height and has an excessive weight of 99 to 132 pounds because it has a quick musculature it is very important to keep it in physical activity and preferably stay in the home garden by its nature this great canine is a protector of its owner and very alert you should be very careful with their upbringing if you want one because its instincts tend to be fierce buying this singular dog could make you pay for 2,000 to $8,000